Monday, February 13, 2017


Rebecca Moreno


The light wind blows through the golden hair of the young girl as her icy blue eyes looked at the

graveley street when she walked to her home when she looked up. She saw three boys around a

boy who had red hair and horns and had cuts and bruises all over his body as the three boy keep

kicking and hitting him.

“what are you doing, Stop!” the girl shouted but because of her weak voice it just like someone

was taking. When the three boys heard her shout and ran only leaving the hurt red head the girl ran

to the injured boy as she ran closer to him she saw that he looked about the same age as her. She

was about to check if he was okay she had outstretched hand when she heard a groan from the boy.

The girl pulled back her hand as the redhead started to wake up. When he woke up his honey

brown eyes opened where they were meet with the girl’s icy blue ones “are you okay”? the girl

asked him but he just stared. Feeling uncomfortable the girl asks him “what’s your name but

again he just stared before trying to stand up.

But the redhead struggle to get up only ending up opening his wounds. The girl ran to him trying to

help him she stretched out her hand but the boy just smacked her hand and glared at her “I don't

need help” and tried to get up again but ending up falling to his knees.

The redhead breathed heavily and tried to stand. He got to his feet, he wobbled and tried to keep

balance but he immediately feel down back to his knees but before he fell all the was down the

golden hair girl was able to catch him the redhead tried to get away but she had a firm grip on him.

“What are you doing, let go” he said struggling to get out of her grip “NO! You're hurt” she said

trying to keep her grip on him “NO I AM NOT” the redhead shouted “Now let go!” he shouted

again but this time pushing the girl down, because of this the girl scruped her knee. The redhead

realizing what he just did felt guilty “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too” he stuttered “I-I” he wanted

to say something, anything but no matter now he tried he could not not find the word.

“It”s okay” the girl still on the ground as she looked up from him “I guess I was a little rough”

the redhead was shocked “NO! Y-you don’t have to apologize” the redhead said flustered “I

Should be the one apologizing” the golden girl looked at him in surprise “are you okay” the redhead asked

the golden hair girl nodded they both stared in silence when the boy’s stomach started to growled

the boy just looked down to hide his blush “are you hungry”? The girl asked “y-yeah” the redhead said.

“I know a place not far from here” she said. The boy nodded and held out him the girl looked at

him confused before realizing that she was still on the ground. Embarrassed her face turned red

and took the redheads hand and he pulled her up but when he did the girl flinched because of her

bad knee realizing this the redhead crouch in front of her. The girl surprised by this didn’t know

what to do before the redhead said “Get on my back i’ll carry to the place you talked about”

This shocked the girl “you don’t have to do that” worrying that she’ll to heavy “it fine, i’m the

reason you're like that” the boy said with guilt “let this my apology” with that said the girl gave

in and got on his back “am I heavy” the girl asked “No” the redhead replied. The boy asked

“where’s the place to talked about” before giving her a piggyback ride “Ah, it’s called sakura’s tea

house if you walk straight then turn left and then right you should be in frost of the ocean that’s

where her shop is at” The girl explained

“Okay” the redhead said before taking the golden hair girl to the shop following her directions.

Not so the trip would be completely silent the boy decided to ask the girl “how old are you, I am

eight” the girl replied “I’m five” then the girl decided to ask a question “what’s your favorite

color” “red what’s your’s” “white” “okay it’s my turn to ask a question” the redhead said “where

do you live, I live on the farm by the working field” he said the girl replied “the medicine house”

“Do you live by it” the boy asked “No, I live in it” the golden hair girl said “you live in the huge

house” the boy shouted. The girl just nodded the redhead was shocked then he realized how nice

the golden hair girl was dressed but he also realized that she didn’t care if she was with him she

wasn’t worried if her clothes got dirty she worried that she was heavy.

This made the redhead realized that she wasn’t like the other’s “Adam” the redhead said “huh?”

“you asked me what my name was before, It’s Adam” the golden hair girl was surprised but also

happy “Harumi my name is Harumi” Adam nodded he stopped when he was in front of

‘sakura’s tea house’ he put Harumi down and they went in to eat after an hour they both came

out “thank’s for the food Haruni” Adam said “ your welcome” they walked to the end of the

Street. Harumi and Adam talked as they walked to their home “hey, Harumi can I ask you

something” Harumi looked at him before nodding “why do you live in medicine house” Adam

asked but not once did he look at her. This surprised her “I-I” Harumi stuttered not knowing how

Adam will react if she told him.

“You're the daughter of the head doctor” Adam said as he stopped walking making Harumi stop

as well “aren't you” he said “The daughter of the head doctor is with a person like me-” but

Adam was cut off by Harumi “it doesn’t matter to me where you come from” Harumi said with

sadness in her voice “what matters is who you are, I don’t care about status” this was shocking

Adam but he was happy nonetheless he turned a little too Harumi and let her finish but when he

Looked at she was crying Adam freaked out trying to find a way to make her happy.

When she started to talk again “the truth is I want to see you again” she said though her tears

“I want to be friends” Harumi looked to Adam clutching her kimono “I want to see you
everyda-” Harumi didn’t get to finish because Adam pulled her into a hug “me too” Adam said

“I want to see you too” they pulled away from the hug when they hear a bell ring coming from

A little gift shop then Harumi got A idea “i’ll be back” she said and ran into the shop and came

Out with two charms one of bull and one of a swan.

“Here take one” she lifted up the swan charm “the bull is you and the swan is me” she said

smiling at him “you take swan so you can always have me” she lifted up the bull charm “and will

always have you” Adam took the charm and smiled before saying “these charms will be our promise”